Knife Angel Reflective Gazebo final weekend

Knife Angel Reflective Gazebo final weekend

As the Knife Angel Event has now ended, it is good to reflect and acknowledge all that God has done through the Reflective Gazebos, a partnership between Love Southend & Southend Street/Prayer Pastors.

Highlights include: 700 conversations with visitors to the Knife Angel, 36 Wooden hearts made, 2 Reflective Books completed. Prayers prayed with grieving families, conversations shared about Hope and Love, literature taken, hugs given, peace doves made, crosses decorated, gifts shared, friendships made and Faith expressed.

To quote Ruth V – “God flung open the door for us, and we walked through it”.

God bless all the Knife Angel Team, Council & Volunteers.

Avril Richards Southend Street Pastor Prayer Coordinator.

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