FIRED UP is an evening for the whole church in the whole Borough of Southend – you’re invited to join George Verwer, local church leaders and local worship musicians for an evening of inspiration, worship and prayer for LOVE SOUTHEND! The event marks the start of the National Week Of Prayer, as well as a week’s worth of special LOVE SOUTHEND events, to coincide with it.
Well…that’s not strictly true – not the bit about the start of all these other things, anyway. Because a big week begins on FRIDAY 6th MAY with an evening of prayer and worship that’s open to all, at Westcliff High School for Girls. You’re welcome to come along from 7.30pm and although it’s being aimed at, and organised by LOVE SOUTHEND YOUTH it’s very much for anyone who wants to be there at the start, as we pray earnestly for our town and it’s people.
FIRED UP takes place the following evening and picks up the same themes, in prayer and worship. Hosted by Clifftown United Reformed Church in Nelson Street, it also features the international Christian speaker George Verwer; local testimonies like Martin Harris’ and Tony Anthony’s; interviews with David Ince, about Street Pastors and Julie Eady, on the subject of our urban regeneration projects; stalls and video presentations. Come along – and bring your friends and congregations…it’s FREE and it takes place from 8-10.00pm. A love offering will be taken for LOVE SOUTHEND
The next day will see the LOVE SOUTHEND Picnic, Prayer and Praise Party take place (tickets cost £3.00 each, and include food and drink, as well as partly going to fund LOVE SOUTHEND) and then we have a further week of prayer events across the Borough, including by Rob Parsons’ visit to Southend on Thursday evening. Full details can be found elsewhere on this website.
George Verwer is the founder and former International Director of Operation Mobilisation, which is a ministry of evangelism, discipleship training, and church planting. George has a burning concern for vital, propagating and revolutionary Christianity in his own life and in the lives of those he meets.
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