The latest events for you not to miss…

…and they could, perhaps, fall into three categories: events and activities organised by Love Southend; those that have been organised by individuals or churches, who are keen for the event/activity to come under the Love Southend banner; the many other activities and events that are already taking place and which Love Southend simply wants to support and promote.

In the latter-two categories, we’re not looking to tread on anyone’s toes…nor to take over anything…we’re just pleased to get involved with things that are bringing fellow Christians closer together and are, ever so slowly, ever so slightly, bringing about God’s Kingdom here on earth.

But before I get too grandiose – here’s a very incomplete list of events which we want to tell you about…some of the details are already available on this site, in the Your Area section. Please keep checking back for further information on the others. And please tell your friends, your churches and anyone else about ’em!

3rd Friday in each month – TRANSFORMATION PRAYER continues the effort of praying for Southend. Same venue, Westcliff Baptist, different clergy/minister leading each month. Ring Gill Johnson on 01702 714230 for more.

Coming soon – an inter-church prayer group, to pray for the persecuted church around the world.

Sunday, 26th November – LIGHT UP A LIFE Christmas Service in Southend High Street, with Havens’ Hospices

Saturday, 2nd December – HOPE AND HEALING at Westcliff Baptist Church, organised by Mark and Gill Johnson and The Well church, in Leigh

Saturday 2nd December – DON DOUBLE at Oasis Christian Centre, Benfleet

Friday, 8th December – BUZZ WINTER BALL at Belfairs Methodist Church

Tuesday, 12th December – HM Revenue and Customs’ ANNUAL CAROL SERVICE at St. Mary’s, Prittlewell, in partnership with LOVE SOUTHEND. Open to the public, with a retiring collection for official staff charities. Please ring John Simmons on 01702 366672 for more details.

Friday, 15th December – Transformation Prayer

December – REAL CHRISTMAS with Viz-a-Viz and BBC Essex

Friday, 22nd December – SINNER ELLA a Christian pantomime at Belfairs Methodist Church

Thursday, 22nd February 2007 – FIRED UP with guest speaker, Tony Campolo (confirmed) at the ODEON (tbc)

every Tuesday – PRAYER for the town of Southend…and just about anything else. Hosted by Padma Amliwala at 16 Meteor Road, Westcliff, from 6.45-10.00am. Please feel free to come and pray for a while, before leaving…it’s what people do! They include commuters, on the way to work and parents, on their way back from taking their children to school. Wendy Thomas 01702 333372.

Further details of these and other events, will be added as soon as we get them. Some dates are provisional and possibly subject to change.

If you would like us to include YOUR event here, in 2006 please e-mail John Cheek at and we’ll gladly publicise it.

Volunteers for, and other help behind the scenes, will be needed for all these events and activities. Are you a keen amateur photographer? Would you be willing to attend some of the LOVE SOUTHEND events and activities? If so, we could use your help in maintaining a photographic record, for our literature and publicity, on this website and possibly with assisting the local media in their coverage of LOVE SOUTHEND – if you’re interested, please send an e-mail to John Cheek, as above. Thanks!

Please tell your friends, families and churches about these events and encourage them to attend – and to put what they learn at them, into practise…
…and please pray for us!

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