That’s My King! – Do You Know Him?

Maybe you were one of those people that came along? Maybe it raised some questions with you? Maybe it answered some? Maybe you responded to Jesus that very night and gave your life to Him? Maybe you want to explore a bit more before making any decisions? You could just be looking for a local church to some explorimg with? Maybe you are from a local church and want to recommit your life to God and the importance of sharing the Gospel.

Above is the That’s My King film that was shown on the night. And below in film are stories from people from across the borough who have discovered the reality of Jesus in their lives. They live in Southend just like you, and decided to see what all this Christianity was about, as they testify they found that it was good and God is good.

If you want to explore some more, why not try and Alpha Course? You will be able to find a local course near you by visiting

Alternatively, explore the Christian faith online some more by visiting which has tonnes of thought provoking and interactive stuff to engage with.

If you would like to be contacted by a local Christian please drop us an email and we would love to hear from you and put someone appropraite in contact with you.

God bless
The Churches of Southend & the Love Southend Team

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