OVER THE three days, they saw a number of people becoming Christians and people giving testimony to being healed. They spoke with many, many people and have lots to follow-up.
This is part of the Route One vision – as an evangelistic/equipping arm of LOVE SOUTHEND. The invitation is…”Does your church want to use the Route One Bus in Southend, to give your church members experience of sharing their faith?
There is training, a Team to work alongside, and excellent vehicle to have as a backdrop and all the facilities to learn sharing the Gospel, praying with people and discovering the joy of reaching out to others.
“It was great for the church and excellent to see so many of our folks doing something that was new to them”, said Gavin Dixon, leader of King’s Church. “It was so encouraging, in seeing the difference in them as the days went on. More confidence, more sensitivity, more faith….and more fruit. We will be doing this again, that’s for sure ! It’s made a real difference in the church. Next time we’ll get more of our folks out there !”
If using the Route One bus to get your membership sharing their faith sounds good to you then contact Simon Ford at Route One.
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