Storehouse Opening Times
Monday 10am – 12:30pm
Tuesday 10am – 12:30pm
Friday 11:30am – 2:30pm
168 Station Road, Westcliff (opposite Westcliff train station).
All Southend Vineyard’s homeless support and related work comes under the title of Storehouse.
What we do
We distribute food to approximately 100 to 125 homeless people per week from our own shop at 168 Station Road, Westcliff. Every Monday and Tuesday we open for tea and toast from 10am-12:30pm, and give out food bags. On Fridays we open at 11.30am for tea and toast and shortly after we have a friendly, informal Bible study. We also collect and distribute clean clothes to those in need. Most recently, we have been operating an informal advocacy service for those most vulnerable, signposting them towards supported housing and rehabilitation. During the winter months we usually organise a soup run for people living on the streets.
Why we do it
In the gospel of Matthew, Jesus says:
“For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me.” Matt. 25 v 35 & 36.
…and we are just trying to follow in his footsteps.
Future Plans
Southend Vineyard is in the process of taking the Storehouse to the next level. Our vision is to build upon the foundations that have been established over the past 15 years. We have identified a potential new venue; The Coleman Street Community Centre. The centre is located at the foot of three tower blocks in the Victoria Ward of Southend. Currently there are no community facilities available to local residents. It is our heart to increase the sense of community within the area. We believe that by working in partnership with other local groups, we collectively will achieve this.
The following providers have made a commitment to deliver services in partnership with Southend Vineyard on an ‘in reach’ basis into the centre at Coleman Street: Southend Adult Community College, South Essex Homes, HARP, Prospects College, YMCA and the local Primary Care trust (P.C.T.). The centre will also provide a meeting place for the Victoria Partnership Residents’ Association.
The heart of Storehouse values is to accept and embrace those whom Society avoids; to recognise potential and release individuals into their hidden potential thus increasing their sense of purpose, enhancing their personal development and social inclusion.
Get involved!
Come and join the Storehouse team. Help to give out food and clothes to the homeless. Contact the office on 01702 612900 for more information. Or contact the Storehouse manager via email using the contact link above (top right).
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