Christmas is a great time of the year. Carols, candles, giving and receiving gifts and children’s nativity plays combine to provide a wonderful atmosphere which helps everyone enjoy the Christmas season.

This entertaining multimedia event is brought to Leigh Road Baptist Church, Marguerite Drive, Leigh-on-Sea by Viz-A-Viz. It includes an amusing theatre performance of the Christmas story and reveals its relevance to individuals today.

The presenter of the event, Mike Simmonds, comments, “’More to Christmas’ is both magical and meaningful. As well as being entertaining it will help in understanding the message that lies behind familiar stories and events of the first Christmas.”

“We’ve invited Viz-A-Viz to present ‘More to Christmas’ in Leigh“, adds David Elcock the local organiser of the event, “because we believe the message of Christmas is really good news and we would like people in the area to have the opportunity to hear it”

This is a turn up on the door event and is free of charge, although a retiring voluntary donation will be taken. As part of the evening mince pies and Fairtrade hot beverages will also be served and although the event is suitable for and aimed at adults – all are welcome. The performance and talk are ‘Father Christmas’ friendly, therefore child safe. More details can be found at www.bigwelcome.org.uk

The Churches in Leigh gave out postcard invites to this event and the Christmas services at the switch on of the Leigh-on-Sea Christmas Lights on Friday 30th November as they took part in the procession.

We look forward to welcoming you

More to Christmas
Date: Saturday 8th December 2007, 7.30pm
Venue: Leigh Road Baptist Church, Marguerite Drive, Leigh-on-Sea, Essex SS9 1NN
Cost: Free*, no tickets needed just turn up on the day.

*a retiring voluntary donation will be taken.

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