Leigh Church & Surrounding Streets Hold Big Lunch

So LRBC, Marguerite Drive and Pall Mall in Leigh-on-Sea joined in and had fun with good food, live music from Dan Gracie of Lazarus Rose , Fairtrade Goodies & Stall provided by The Co-operative and Leigh-on-Sea Fairtrade Town Campaign, and a Giant Mural Painting for anyone who felt like getting messy. Of course there was plenty of bunting to attract attention. A spot of rain for about 5 mins couldn’t dampen their spirits either.

About the Big Lunch
Leigh Road Baptist Church, Marguerite Drive and Pall Mall in Leigh-on-Sea, made the of most of the hot weather and brought our neighbourhood together, by hosting a day to celebrate people, community and Fairtrade food at Big Lunch garden Party on 19th July in the Leigh Road Baptist Church Garden. It was one of many street parties across the UK on Sunday 19 July. And we believe 7 in Southend-on-Sea area.

The Big Lunch is the idea of the Eden Project and is a bring-your-own, open-air party giving everyone a chance to get to know their neighbours, share locally produced food and have fun. As Britain celebrates its local communities, making Fairtrade part of the Big Lunch is also a way of helping communities across the world and empowering farmers in developing countries to create their own brighter, more sustainable future through a better trade deal. It’s also a wonderful opportunity to pass the Fairtrade habit on to. As Leigh-on-Sea and Southend Borough are committed to achieving official Fairtrade Status for our Town and Borough the Big Lunch was a great opportunity to further and enjoy the cause (more info at www.fairtradeleigh.org.uk

An Eden Project initiative with millions of events planned around the country, The Big Lunch is designed to bring about Human Warming – the glow that comes from simple acts of sharing and celebrating what it is to be human.

One of the local organisers from LRBC on Marguerite Drive, Leigh-on-Sea, David Elcock said: ‘Leigh Road Baptist Church and our surrounding streets are supporting the Big Lunch because we share the belief that ordinary people and ordinary acts do bring about positive change. By organising a simple street lunch, our streets will become more like neighbourhoods where local people love to belong and support each other. It was great to see so many people sitting down and sharing a meal together.’

For more information visit www.thebiglunch.com and for more info on Leigh and Southend’s Fairtrade Campaign visit www.fairtradeleigh.org.uk and get involved.

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