Godspeed your love: What’s it all about?

…not least the experiences gained by some at the Soul In The City initiative in London in 2004, the inspiration and example of Manchester: The Message and even something a little closer to home – Praise In The Park.

Love Southend is an initiative of the local churches, to highlight the truth of the Love that God has, for EVERY human being – including everyone within the Borough of Southend. Everyone.

Whilst the love of the churches for Southend could never be compared to the overwhelming Love that God has/is for every Southender, Love Southend is (in it’s own pathetic and humble way) an attempt to reflect, and draw attention to His Love: primarily by acts of generosity and social concern.

An equally humble and minor part of this effort, is this website. Under construction for three months, we now intend for this site to be built-up with fresh material, every two-or-three weeks. Where so far we’ve added the occasional news item we now hope to feature profiles of both invited speakers and local activists; background information on different initiatives and ‘prayer specifics’ to help you pray; photos of events and the chance to watch the Love Southend video through your computer screen – and much more.

We intend to develop this site as a place for you to publicise YOUR church events – every church event, large or small – and to make it an opportunity for you to discuss your own Love Southend experiences…even your own experiences of God’s Love. We hope to use your photos. We might even include your poetry! But for now, we strongly encourage you to consider signing up to, and then make full use of, our Partners Zone…and to add yourself to the list for our regular Love Southend e-mail.

This website will only be worthwhile if people see it – and it’ll only be worthwhile if people act on what they see. So please keep checking back, stay informed and communicate what you read here, to your friends, contacts and churches.

…and keep telling people, not about our love, but about GOD’S Love, for them!

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