Get Ready For Panto In A Day

This year, the regular crew of actors and actresses, musicians, dancers, hosts, techies and stage-hands will turn their attention to Jack and his magic beans, so come expecting a few twists on a classic tale.

The young people, from various local church and youth groups, as well as university students, will gather together on Monday morning at the Plaza Centre, Southchurch, where they will be allocated their parts from a pre-written script. The actors and actresses will begin learning their lines that morning, as a volunteer army of teenagers begin to construct a set, design props, put together costumes, and practice extra material to be included into the end performance. A band of musicians will also begin practicing some improvised tunes to complement the drama.

The day is crazy and a little manic, but is always much fun, and it culminates in the evening’s public performance, in front of a packed crowd of adults and children.

The performance starts at 8pm sharp and tickets can be purchased from the Plaza Centre at a cost of £3 each. All proceeds go towards the work of Love Southend Youth in the borough.

So come along and witness a fantastic Panto performance, all for a good cause.

It’s guaranteed to be a great, fun-filled night for all the family (“Oh no it isn’t”…..”oh yes it is”)

For tickets, contact: Steve Dalley or Jenny Martin
Telephone: 01702 461616

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