We are delighted to welcome Evangelist Rev Marilyn Harry as our guest speaker this year and know she will bring God’s word to us in a powerful way.
Marilyn expects and sees the miraculous power of God at work through her ministry. To God’s glory this evangelistic ministry has seen multiple thousands of people make decisions for Jesus Christ and many reported miracles of healing including the blind receiving their sight and the deaf hearing. Uncountable people have been delivered and thousands baptised in the Holy Spirit.
Worship will be led by The Worship Exchange, a buffet lunch will be served and their will be achance to browse and purchase for the Christian bookshop
Flourish Conference – ‘Basking In His Glory’
Saturday 11th October, 2008
9:30am – 1.15pm
Cost £5 per person.
Venue: Crowstone Christian Centre, Westcliff
Download a booking form by clicking below:
Downloadble PDF Booking Form (PDF)
Getting there:
CROWSTONE CHRISTIAN Centre is on the corner of Kings’ Road and Crowstone Road. It’s fifteen minutes walk from Westcliff station and is served by regular buses (Saturday service) along the London Road – please alight at The Trading Rooms pub.
FLOURISH CONFERENCES form part of the women’s ministry of LOVE SOUTHEND/Hope08 – a time for worship, teaching, refreshing.
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