Fired Up! in the image of the divine

FIRED UP! ‘In The Image Of The Divine’ on Saturday, 8th March, will focus on how important every human being is, to God…that we were created in His Image…that He sent His Son to die for us…and that, as Christians, we ought to be fired up about symbolising this love, God’s love, to all those around us!

FIRED UP! will feature the Chaplain to the London College of Fashion, REV. JOANNA JEPSON whom you may remember, hit the headlines a few years back, with her controversial, brave stance on abortion. Please see her Profile, in the Media section of this site.

Starting at 7.30pm, lively, contemporary Worship will be lead by The Worship Exchange, a loose coalition of local church musicians; there’ll also be contributions from the new, fledging Fairhavens’ choir, the Avenue Singers and one or two testimonies of how God has been moving in this area!

Publicty Resources for your church
A publicity pack of:
3 x A3 full colour posters
3 x A4 full colour posters
50 x A6 Postcard fliers

Has been sent to a contact at every church in the Borough of Southend. Please email us via the contact link top right if you would like to know who at your church the pack was sent to. If you would like more posters or fliers for your whole congregation please do get in touch.

You can also download the following resources.
A4 Colour Poster (PDF)
PowerPoint slide for data projectors and OHP’s (PPT)
Newsletter/Sheet/Magazine/Web Text Advert (.TXT)
Newsletter/Magazine A5 Portrait Advert (.TIFF)

ST. JOHN’S Church, Pier Hill, is behind The Royals shopping centre, in the town-centre, is ten minutes’ walk from Southend Central station (Fenchurch Street line) and is three minutes’ walk from the Central Bus Station.

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