Event: FIRED UP! A Song of Praise

Fired Up! A Song of Praise
Saturday, 17th November, 2007
at St. Saviours’ Church, corner of Chadwick Road and King’s Road, Westcliff-on-Sea

Refreshments available – free admission however an offering in aid of LOVE SOUTHEND’s work will be taken

Come and join us at St Saviours Church, King’s Road, Westcliff-on-Sea. We will be lifting our voices in songs of praise to God hosted by one of the boroughs most marvellous buildings.

We will be hearing what God has been doing in our town, as well as hearing some Fired Up! preaching from our guest speaker Andy Clipsham, of South Shoebury Parish. Click here to read Andy’s profile

FIRED UP! celebrated God in a traditional way, at St. Clements’ in Leigh during February 2006. It was packed out and went so well, that we were asked to repeat something similiar – and we are more than happy to.

Come and join us as we praise God – lifting our voices with great hymns such as ‘Thine Be The Glory’ to ‘Amazing Grace’. There will also be more recent Hymns like ‘In Christ Alone’.

Join the Love Sothend Choir
We are putting together a special choir for this special event – would YOU like to join it? It’s open to all regardless of denominational affiliation. Please let singers and those who love to sing in your churches know.

More details available from John Cheek, on 01268 781193 or john.cheek@lovesouthend.org

Church publicty resources
Printed fliers and posters have been sent to every church in the Southend Borough. Please make use of them in publicising the event. If you would like to know who from your church has recieved them please use the email link in the top right hand corner to send us your name and church and we will get back to you.

There are also the following downloads for you to use, just click on the links to download and print your own copies:

A4 Colour Poster
A4 Black & White Poster
Auto Revolving PowerPoint slide for data projectors
Newsletter/Sheet/Magazine Advert A6 graphic

St. Saviours’ can be accessed from Westcliff Station or Chalkwell with a 10 minute walk. It is found on the corner of Chadwick Road and King’s Road, Westcliff-on-Sea.

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