Coffee, Cakes and Questions…..

Many thanks to the 150 people from over 40 churches who came to share the vision of Love Southend with us all at the County Hotel breakfast last month – it was an excellent opportunity to make a wider group of Christians aware of the project, and to enable views and comments to be taken into account in the final plans.

A group of church leaders have been discussing, meeting and planning ideas for some time now, using evaluations from Praise in the Park, talking with a broad cross section of churches and Christian leaders in Southend. What was presented at the breakfast was the outcome of this 4 months of planning.

So what might Love Southend look like for YOUR church?

We recognise that there may be particular questions which you wish to ask, so we have organised an open meeting for Church Leaders and those in leadership roles, at Leigh Road Baptist Church Stables Lounge (entrance in Chalkwell Park Drive), at 8pm on Monday 13th December. We will serve refreshments, and ministers from Hope for Southend and members of the Love Southend Group, will be there to answer any questions you may have.

The great commandment, to love God and our neighbour, and the Great Commission, to reach our world with the message of God’s love, is fundamental to our faith, and we believe that Love Southend is a positive vehicle to allow us to work together and make the maximum impact for our town.

We hope to see you there…

If you’ve not already signed up as a Partner then please do so now at

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