Cluny in residents….

WHAT IS less well known, is that there are people who live there, who care about their community and want to play their part in making improvements.

Back in August 2006, members of the community, contained within the area between: Norwich Avenue, Royston Avenue, St. Lukes Road and the Grove, elected its own committee to represent them in the newly-formed Cluny Residents Association (CRA), supported by South Essex Homes but open equally to home-owners, and tenants, alike.

We have had a number of meetings attended by police, council members and others with an interest in our community. Whilst getting together and talking was a start, we have also managed to achieved positive changes by working with other community groups, such as:

• St.Lukes Partnership
• Peartree Residents Association
• Essex Police
• Southend Borough Council
• South Essex Homes
• Young Peoples Enterprise Centre
• Ferndale Baptist Church (pictured)
• St. Lukes Parish Church
• Local traders

Changes include:
• improving understanding and interaction among the residents and agencies working in the area; hopefully leading to good neighbourliness and a better sense of community
• improvements in South Essex Homes tenements
• improvements in Cluny Park e.g. signage, gates
• reduction in alcohol misuse in open areas
• reduction of anti-social behaviour
• support for community initiatives e.g. carols, fun day in the park, youth club, health centre, sports facilities – LOVE SOUTHEND have been heavily involved in some of these

We realise that these changes have been partly brought about, by others not in our association but we have been pleased to have played our part – which we believe to be significant. We have a long way to go still, given that some of the old problems associated with anti-social behaviour and feelings of apathy, and disempowerment, among some of the residents are still around. That is why we need the support of the residents we are seeking to represent.

Our last open meeting was on Monday, 23rd April 7-9pm at St Edmunds Hall (pictured), Pantile Avenue.

Besides receiving a number of our regular guests to speak about, respond to and report on, issues affecting our community, we also invited all FIVE candidates for the local elections due to be held on 3rd May, to learn about our hopes and concerns, say what they would do if elected and answered questions concerning our community, as posed from the floor.

If YOU would like to attend the next meeting, or would like to be more involved, please contact John Barber using the details quoted on this page.

LOVE SOUTHEND thanks Cluny Residents Association Chair, John Barber, for his help with this article.

Although John’s part of the leadership team at Coleman Street Chapel, in the town centre, he lives in St. Luke’s Road, on the crossroads between Southchurch, Prittlewell and the St. Luke’s Ward, and speaks from experience about the area.

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