Christian golfers invite entries to Essex Golf Cup

The society has been launched by James Butcher, Martin Eady, Neil Salter & David Elcock under the auspices of Southend-based Christian charity Avanti Ministries.

“We have done this with the aim of running county-wide golf tournaments that will feed the winners into the National Christian Golf Cup,” explains James. “We have been working with golf ministries such as Christian in Sport, Logos Golf Ministries, Christian Golfers Association (UK, mainly based in the US) to achieve this.”

The group very much subscribes to the Christians in Sport motto of ‘pray, play and say’, encouraging Christians to pray for their friends who don’t know Jesus, enjoy their golf in a way that honours God, and look for opportunities to share their faith with their friends through golf.

September’s event takes place at the South Essex Golf Centre, Brentwood, and will feature golf clincs from, Luther Blacklock – Head Professional at Woburn Golf & Country Club – the competition (18 holes Stableford for teams of 4), coffee and croissants on arrival, giveaways and goody bags, and a meal after the competition with a talk and presentation from Luther Blacklock on the importance his Christian faith plays in his life.

There are also plans to film the day and provide all competitors with a recorded memoir to take away with them.

Entry costs £36 per person, and teams should ideally include at least two players who are not yet Christians. Entry forms are available at or call James Butcher on 07752 469219, entries are needed as soon as possible.

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