And the healing has begun…

THERE’S A lot of myths, misconceptions and prejudice, when it comes to the subject of Healing…specifically healing conducted in the name of Jesus.

SO OFTEN there’s a lot of hype, too. But such healing, when we get down to it, is simply prayer in the name of Jesus Christ.

LOVE SOUTHEND has no hesitation in recommending the Healing Rooms. An initiative of five local churches – The Well, Westcliff Baptist Church, St. Michael’s, Southend Vineyard and Southend Christian Fellowship – it’s a safe place for both Christians and non-Christians to come to, and receive prayer for their specific healing needs.

The first Healing Room in Southend opened in early 2007, and now regular prayer sessions take place on…

MONDAYS between 8.00-9.30pm, at The Living Room at Southend Christian Fellowship (Plaza Centre) in Southchurch Road – entrance is through the side doors, in the car-park next door…and…

WEDNESDAYS between 12noon-2.30pm, at Westcliff Baptist Church at 560 London Road, between The Trading Rooms pub and further down, Halfords. Entrance is underneath and through the Churchgate Flats, and through the car-park.

SATURDAYS 10am and 11.30am on the last Saturday of each month, at Southend Vineyard at 6 Warrior Square, Southend, just off Southend High Street. Entrance is opposite the Varsity bar

It’s first come, first served, and it’s FREE!

For latest information, see the Healing Rooms website email on info@southendhealingrooms, or telephone 01702 714230

Prayer is vital to the success of the Healing Rooms and we would ask that you continue to include the Healing Rooms in your prayer times.

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