Renew Wellbeing at the Living Room Celebrates First Anniversary

Renew Wellbeing at the Living Room Celebrates First Anniversary

Leigh Road Baptist Church’s Living Room has recently celebrated the first anniversary of the weekly drop-in wellbeing space called ‘Renew Wellbeing’ on the Leigh Road, Leigh-on-Sea.

‘Renew Wellbeing at the Living Room’ is a space where people can relax, take part in craft activities, read magazines, do puzzles, chat and have the opportunity to buy a drink and cake from the adjoining ‘The Phabulous Café’ next door.

The aim is to provide a place where local people who may feel anxious, isolated or lonely to meet with others and take part in something creative. There is also a short prayer time which is optional at 3.45pm and an opportunity to enjoy time together.

Renew Wellbeing meets every Thursday 2pm-4pm at the community space, the Living Room, 191 Leigh Road, Leigh-on-Sea. The space is open to all, please just pop in.

Tanya Pain one of the volunteer organisers said ‘Renew Wellbeing is a space for all where it is okay to not be okay. It’s a non-judgmental safe space where nobody is forced to join in and all are welcome to just be. Anyone would be very welcome.’

Attendees have commented on the value of such a space for them,

‘I am really enjoying Renew Wellbeing, lovely people, many activities and things to do. Just what I needed and very therapeutic and good for wellbeing’.

‘You have no idea what a difference Renew Wellbeing has made to my confidence and self esteem. They changed an isolated, withdrawn old lady into one who feels ready to face the world…’

The first anniversary on Thursday 11 May saw birthday cake, crafts, puzzles, chatting and a real buzz from regular and new guests. It was also great to be visited by other churches thinking of opening up a wellbeing space and Syrie Cox, a long-time supporter of mental health and wellbeing projects and the CEO of the wonderful Southend YMCA.

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