Dear Praying friends,
I hope this Prayer Diary finds you and yours safe and well.
I think that one of the hardest things, as well as witnessing the effect on people’s health, that the Covid-19 pandemic is having is the isolation felt in society. I was listening to the radio on Sunday morning and Patricia Greene, the actress that plays Jill Archer in the Archers, was on. She said that her son had said to her that living through the lockdown would be no different for her as she hardly goes out. Her response to this was, ‘Well, not really!’ Even when we are limited in our ability to socialize or to go out when we wish, it doesn’t mean that the impact of Covid-19 on our society passes us by. Now that things are beginning to ease a little the impact on those more vulnerable and with health issues continues because they are being advised by the NHS to self-isolate for a further three months.
When we think of the things that we took for granted and that which was considered ‘normal’ for us before this pandemic I wonder how it will be in the future? Gatherings are still limited to a few people with social distancing measures and are likely to be so for a while longer. Church services have gone online and, while it is good to have some support in prayer and worship it’s not the same as meeting with our friends and neighbours in person. What we are doing now may well need to be the case, to some degree or another, for some time into the future. But what does that mean to us as we pray for the needs of those who are in our care and for that of Havens Hospices as a whole?
In the time when the people of Israel were suffering great hardship, the Prophet Isaiah spoke of God’s way with prayer. “I will answer them before they even call to me. While they are still talking to me about their needs, I will go ahead and answer their prayers!” Isaiah 65: 24 (NLT)
This is just before he speaks of the Wolf and the Lamb feeding together and the Lion eating straw with the Ox and no poisonous snake biting them. An impressive picture of God’s active intervention in the care of people in deep need. I trust that as you pray you will keep in mind the image of God who has already answered our prayers and will do more than we ever hope or imagine because of his great love for us all.
God bless you as you pray.
Martin Hill (Spiritual Care Lead)
Spiritual Care Dept: 01702 220349 Registered Charity No: 10221190
Haven Hospices New Fair Havens, Little Havens and The J’s Prayer Diary June 2020
But you must help us too by praying for us. For much thanks and praise will go to God from you who see his wonderful answers to your prayers for our safety! 2 Corinthians 1:11 (NLT)
Mon 1st Pray for the staff members of Fair Havens, Little Havens and the J’s who are furloughed and the work of organisation seeking their return.
Tue 2nd Pray for the care staff of Fair Havens, Little Havens and the J’s working remotely, contacting patients or in our Inpatient Units.
Wed 3rd Pray for the delivery of our bereavement services and emotional support for families as they are affected by the death of loved ones.
Thur 4th Pray for the work of Hospice at Home caring for the patients and their families in the challenging times of lockdown.
Fri 5th Pray for all those who work in Fundraising. For the ingenuity of finding new and effective ways of raising the 84% of income needed.
Sat 6th Pray for the well-being of our patients and their families under the added pressures of social distancing and self-isolation.
Sun 7th Pray for those recently bereaved of a spouse, a sibling, a child, a parent. Pray that they will find comfort and compassionate caring.
Mon 8th Pray for the people in our care for whom the impact of Covid-19 increases the challenges of living with their life limiting illness.
Tue 9th Pray for administrative and support staff as they organise and deliver our services and support in co-operation with clinical staff.
Wed 10th Pray for those networks in the community with who develop plans and projects to deliver care for an increasing number of people and personal need.
Thur 11th Pray for peace for our patients and their family members, with the increased tensions and fear surrounding the pandemic.
Fr 12th Pray for the people in our communities difficult to reach and unaware of how we can help them.
Sat 13th Pray for the domestic, hospitality and maintenance staff of Fair Havens, Little Havens maintaining hygiene, facilities and property.
Sun 14th Pray the volunteers that support the work of Havens Hospices in many varied and essential ways and their return. Pray for an increased take up of volunteering for Havens Hospices following the pandemic.
Mon 15th Pray for the future of the Hospice Movement in continuing to make the end of life journey care compassionate and free from pain.
Tue 16th Pray for the increase from commissions, grants, legacies and donations of income that we can use to support our work.
Wed 17th Pray for middle managers that manage teams and support their staff in the essential works throughout Havens Hospices.
Thur 18th Pray for our provision of the county wide telephone helpline for people bereaved and grieving through Covid-19 during the pandemic.
Fri 19th Pray for our Spiritual Carers and the effective support of our patients and their family member’s spiritual need.
Sat 20th Pray for the planning and recommencement of our day and community services as the pandemic eases and measures ease.
Sun 21st Pray for the Trustees, CEO and Senior Managers working to find ways in which to return the full work of Havens Hospices.
Mon 22nd Pray for those people you know who are benefitting from the work of Hospices and the effective delivery of Hospice Care.
Tue 23rd Pray with thankfulness for the support we receive from the communities in Southend, Castle Point and Rochford we serve.
Wed 24th Pray for our NHS partners in providing end of life NS Health Care to the community.
Thur 25th Pray for the Havens Development Company directors and the Trustees. Although the new building is complete their work isn’t.
Fri 26th Pray for the families of our staff that support them in their work and the added pressures the pandemic has created on family life.
Sat 27th Pray for the parents of children that died under the care of Little Havens and their ‘Thanksgiving’ today despite the event cancellation.
Sun 28th Pray for our society as a caring and constructive place to live in.
Mon 29th Pray for hopefulness in the face of the challenges that are faced both by our patients and their families and as an organisation.
Tue 30th Pray for the growth of a community spirit and love of neighbour.