Dear Praying Friends,
In the easing of lockdown and tentative hope of the passing of this pandemic, I greet you. I hope this month’s prayer diary finds you well!
I like to play guitar. It is a real comfort to me and a therapy in the life of a child of the sixties and seventies. My love of music was nurtured in a musical home but my tastes, though broad, never really reflected those of my parents and grandparents. Born on the cusp of the boomer generation I love rock, blues and acoustic guitar. Recently I began playing Bob Dylan’s, ‘The times they are a changin’’ and it strikes me that we are in such a time of change once again (are we ever not?). People are looking for something of the ’normal’ even a ‘new normal’ but the days that we live in are so uncertain. Such times are those when prayer is needed most. Those who pray do so seeking to influence intervention from the God of amazing Grace and unending love.
When teaching on prayer Jesus used images of a parent asleep with their children and persistent knocking on the door to ask for bread for visitors. (Luke 11:5-10 (TLB)) Keep praying! He says, don’t give up! In other places the Bible image is of God who knows and answers your prayers before you even say a word. The image of a sleepy and irascible Father unwilling to get up from his warm bed to answer the call is contradictory. It is a recognition, though, that prayer is not always easy and answers rarely immediate. Jesus says, ‘“But I’ll tell you this—though he won’t do it as a friend, if you keep knocking long enough, he will get up and give you everything you want—just because of your persistence.’ Luke 11:8 (TLB)
However you pray, in whatever tradition or spiritual practice you bring your thoughts and prayers forwards, I trust that your persistence will bear fruit. That we will see these changing times bring a renewed sense of the goodness and love that we share in our Hospice community life.
As you pray I pray that you will encounter the presence of the God of amazing Grace and unending Love, in your persistence, answering you.
God bless you as you pray.
Martin Hill (Spiritual Care Lead)
Spiritual Care Dept: 01702 220349
Haven Hospices
New Fair Havens, Little Havens and The J’s
Prayer Diary August 2020
“Ask, and you will be given what you ask for. Seek, and you will find. Knock, and the door will be opened.” – Matthew 7:7 (TLB)
Sat 1st Pray for the people in our care and the challenges of health and socialisation they face in their lives.
Sun 2nd Pray for the administrative and support staff who organise and assist in the work of Havens Hospices.
Mon 3rd Pray for our bereavement services and the emotional support we give families as they are affected by the illness and death of a loved one.
Tue 4th Pray for our twenty-three Hospice Charity shops their staff, volunteers and the income generation team in their return to work.
Wed 5th Pray for all those who work in Fundraising. For the ingenuity of finding new and effective ways of raising the 84% of income needed.
Thur 6th Pray for the well-being of our patients and their families in the journey with extended illness or approaching death.
Fri 7th Pray for our in-patient unit, Doctors, Nurses, HCA’s and support staff.
Sat 8th Pray for the staff members of Fair Havens, Little Havens and the J’s who are furloughed and the work of organisation seeking their return.
Sun 9th Pray for the care staff of Fair Havens, Little Havens and the J’s working remotely, contacting patients or in our Inpatient Units.
Mon10th Pray for our work in the community with partner organisations.
Tue 11th Pray for peace of mind for our patients and their family members,
Wed 12th Pray for the vulnerable people in our communities difficult to reach and, at present, unaware of how we can help them.
Thur 13th Pray for the domestic, hospitality and maintenance staff of Fair Havens and Little Havens maintaining hygiene, facilities and property.
Fri 14th Pray for an increased take up of volunteering for Havens Hospices following the pandemic and the return of existing volunteers.
Sat 15th Pray for work of Hospice at Home caring for the patients and their families as they live with end of life illness at this most unusual time.
Sun 17th Pray for the staff of Little Havens, J’s and EPIC, all now based at Little Havens, and merging their provision of care for 0 to 25 year olds.
Mon 18th Pray for middle managers that manage teams and support their staff in the essential works throughout Havens Hospices.
Tue 19th Pray for our provision of the county wide telephone helpline for people bereaved and grieving through Covid-19 during the pandemic.
Wed 18th Pray for our Spiritual Care and effective person-centred support of our patients, family member’s, staff and volunteer’s spiritual needs.
Thur 20th Pray for the planning and recommencement of our day and community services as the pandemic eases and measures ease.
Fri 21st Pray for the Trustees, CEO and Senior Managers working to find ways in which to return the full work of Havens Hospices.
Sat 22nd Pray for the people who benefit from the work of Hospices nationwide and the effective delivery of Hospice Care.
Sun 23rd Pray with thankfulness for the support we receive from the communities we served in Southend, Castle Point and Rochford.
Mon 24th Pray for our NHS partners in providing end of life NHS Health Care to the community.
Tue 25th Pray for the increase from commissions, grants, legacies and community donations to support our work.
Wed 26th Pray for the families of our staff that support them in their work and for blessing and joy in their family life.
Thur 27th Pray for the many children and young people that benefit from respite care at Little Havens and for the happiness this gives to them.
Fri 28th Pray for our society as we look to enter into a new ‘normal’. That this will be one that brings care, compassion and kindness to all.
Sat 29th Pray for the attitudes of our society towards death and dying. That we will learn not to be fearful and to keep living and loving each day.
Sun 30th Pray for the preparations being made by Havens Hospices to deliver the Light up a Life event under very different conditions this year.
Mon 31st Pray for the Havens Development Company directors and the Trustees. Although the new building is complete their work isn’t.