Haven Hospices Prayer Diary May 2020

Haven Hospices Prayer Diary May 2020

Dear Praying Friends,

Who could have thought it? Just a few short weeks ago we were just beginning to face the impact of this global health crisis. The accompanying challenges in our society make this a time when those of us that pray have much to exercise our attention. As you may know from the mailings and publicity that Haven’s Hospices are sending out, our new Fair Haven’s Hospice and our Little Haven’s in-patient units are being an invaluable resource in supporting the NHS in caring for patients approaching discharge from NHS care as well, as for our own palliative patients. A part of our wellbeing team are beginning to offer a telephone support service to the broader community affected by Covid-19 as well as our own existing patients. Our Hospice at Home nurses and HCA’s and our J’s teams continue to support our patients in the community as do our Little Haven’s staff and our Day Hospice staff by telephone. Social distancing and lockdown measures are hard for us to work under but we continue to do our very best to make sure our patients and their family members are excellently cared for.

You will also be aware, through the news coverage, of the effect the impact of this pandemic is having on the economy. This is something that is and will continue to affect our work. Our commercial section is suffering with the closing of our shops. Events that would have raised money for Haven’s Hospices during the summer have or are likely to be cancelled. People are rightly not gathering together in order to socialize, celebrate or shop and so opportunities for our fundraisers are hard hit. Businesses that would have given both volunteers and finance to our work are themselves having to reign in outgoings and furlough staff. These are the most challenging and unprecedented times in living memory. Now, more than ever, we need to pray earnestly for the blessing and intervention of God on our behalf.

When the exiled people of Israel were faced with dilemmas in decisions and direction they went to Jeremiah the prophet saying, “…“Please pray to the LORD your God for us. As you can see, we are only a tiny remnant compared to what we were before. Pray that the LORD your God will show us what to do and where to go.” Jeremiah 42:2-3 (NLT)

A good and guiding hand in how we go about approaching the present and the future in the face of the challenges of this pandemic is essential. Through our prayers we seek the hand of God how we seek to provide the best of Hospice and palliative care in our communities. Our prayer is to give us hope and a future.

God bless you as you pray.

Martin Hill (Spiritual Care Lead)
Haven Hospices

Prayer Diary May 2020

O Jerusalem, I have posted watchmen on your walls; they will pray day and night, continually. Take no rest, all you who pray to the Lord. Isaiah 62:6 (NLT)

Fri 1st Pray for the patients and family members in the care of Fair Havens, Little Havens and the J’s isolated at home or in our Inpatient Units.

Sat 2nd Pray for the care staff of Fair Havens, Little Havens and the J’s working remotely, doing home visits or in our Inpatient Units.

Sun 3rd Pray for the domestic, hospitality and maintenance staff of Fair Havens, Little Havens maintaining hygiene, facilities and property.

Mon 4th Pray for the work of Hospice at Home caring for the patients and their families in the challenging times of lockdown.

Tue 5th Pray for all those who work in Fundraising. For the increased pressures they face to fund the greater part of our work.

Wed 6th Pray for the Hospice Trustees, CEO and Senior Managers seeking ways in which to sustain and support the work of Havens Hospices.

Thur 7th Pray for those recently bereaved of a spouse, a sibling, a child, a parent. Pray that they may find peace in their suffering and loss.

Fri 8th Pray for the people in our care for whom the social measures and the impact of Covid-19 increase the restrictions of their life limiting illness.

Sat 9th Pray for administrative and support staff as they organise and deliver the surrounding and increased need in co-operation with clinical staff.

Sun 10th Pray for the future of the Hospice Movement in continuing to make the end of life journey one in which compassion and love are present.

Mon 11th Pray for peace for our patients and their family members, with the increased tensions and fear surrounding the pandemic.

Tues 12th Pray for hopefulness in the face of the challenges that are faced both by our patients and their families and as an organisation.

Wed 13th Pray for the delivery of our bereavement services and emotional support for families as they are affected by the death of loved ones.

Thur 14th Pray for the people throughout the country that work and volunteer in Hospices and the effective delivery of Hospice Care.

Fri 15th Pray for our connection with networks in the community with who we give care and develop plans and projects.

Sat 16th Pray for the ways in which we receive funding other than through our fundraising activity. For commissions, grants, legacies and donations.

Sun 17th Pray for middle managers that manage teams and support their staff in the essential works throughout Havens Hospices.

Mon 18th Pray for our provision of the telephone support of people bereaved during the pandemic.

Tue 19th Pray for our Spiritual Carers and the effective support of our patients and their family member’s spiritual need.

Wed 20th Pray for the recommencement of our day and community services.

Thur 21st Pray for our patients and their families under the added pressures of social distancing.

Fri 22nd Pray with thankfulness for the volunteers that support the work of Havens Hospices in so many varied and essential ways and their return.

Sat 23rd Pray with thankfulness for the support of the communities in Southend, Castle Point and Rochford we serve.

Sun 24th Pray for our NHS partners in providing end of life NS Health Care to the community.

Mon 25th Pray for the Havens Development Company directors and the Trustees. Although the new building is complete their work isn’t.

Tue 26th Pray for the families of our staff that support them in their work and the added pressures the pandemic has created on family life.

Wed 27th Pray for the people that are entering the palliative path after months and years of treatment. Pray for their peace of mind.

Thurs 28th Pray for our society in the continuing dangers and uncertainties.

Fri 29th Pray for the people in our communities difficult to reach and unaware of how we can help them.

Sat 30th Pray for the community spirit and love of neighbour is society.

Sun 31st Pray people you love cared for through our or any Hospice.

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