Church on the move – literally

Church on the move – literally

“Church on the move!” is often a strapline on a church website somewhere. But now a church has literally moved. King’s Church have a new Sunday venue. They have begun meeting at St Cedd’s in Bridgwater Drive. Over lockdown it became clear that the re-purposing of the area of the Children’s Centre (where they had met for a few years) made it less accommodating for King’s style of Sunday morning meeting, and finding a new venue became desirable and necessary. After discussions with Rev. Colin Baldwin from LifeStreams, and with the full agreement of the PCC there, King’s Church began meeting at St Cedd’s at the end of July.

Gavin Dixon (one of the leaders at King’s) says.. “We wanted to get used to the facility over August before making the new venue more widely known. We are very grateful to the leadership of LifeStreams for their willingness and generosity, and this also presents great opportunities to work more closely together too. Our debt advice outreach (kmac) is already using space at another LifeStreams venue in St Stephen’s. This kind of collaboration and relationship between churches is healthy for mission and we sense that it glorifies God. There will be blessing for both LifeStreams and King’s. Our new Sunday venue gives us room to grow. We’re excited at the potential.” King’s meets at St Cedd’s at 10.30am each Sunday. If you’re new to the area and looking for a church family to be part of – a warm welcome awaits. It could be that King’s can be your church family too.

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