Date(s) - 3 Oct 2023
7:30 pm - 9:30 pm
Thorpe Bay Methodist Church
This is a first and we are grateful and excited about it. Love Southend, the local Methodist Circuit, the local Anglican Deanery and the local Baptist Association have worked together to create an opportunity to inform, inspire and hopefully engage churches and Christians across our city in an issue we hear about and see on our screens so regularly – Trafficking and Modern Slavery.
We have been able to arrange for a number of chalk-face contributors to increase our awareness of this issue, our understanding of it’s impact on people’s lives (some of them close to where some of us live!) and to see how Christians are making a difference for those caught up in this exploitative trade; and explore possibilities of how churches or individuals who wish to can engage.
The evening is open to all churches and any Christian interested in how Christian faith can shape our response to this issue.
Please feel free to invite a friend.
And whether you are able to attend or not we would value your prayers for this evening and those reaching out with the love of God to people trapped in often hideous circumstances.
(Please note that for Love Southend this evening is in place of our monthly Network Gathering in October i.e. there is no Love Southend meeting on Sunday 8 October.)