SCF Sunday Morning Gathering Online

SCF Sunday Morning Gathering Online

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Date(s) - 21 Feb 2021
10:30 am - 11:30 am

Southend Christian Fellowship


Join Southend Christian Fellowship as we ‘gather’ together once again. Find us on our YouTube channel and Facebook page. We pray that you will encounter Him as we worship and hear His word once again. Be blessed.

Although we recommend that if you are able to access our Sunday mornings online then you choose to participate in this way, we are, however,  remaining open for those who are not able to access our online live stream.  We envisage this being a small number of people and we are confident that we can honour all the guidelines and create as safe an environment as possible.  We know that is not everyone’s preference, but we would ask you to honour all of our friends and colleagues working on the front line by making this sacrifice for this period, and choose to see it as part of our vision to Love Southend, Essex and beyond in a very practical way right now.

If you wish to join us in the building on a Sunday morning, please arrive by 10.25. You will be required to wear a face-covering unless medically exempt and we will brief you of other changes before the celebration begins.


Southend Christian Fellowship, 600 Southchurch Road, Southend-on-Sea, Essex, SS1 2PT | | Registered Charity No: 290547