National Day of Prayer: Westcliff Free Church will be open – 2

National Day of Prayer: Westcliff Free Church will be open – 2

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Date(s) - 13 Nov 2020
2:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Westcliff Free Church


As part of the National Day of Prayer on Friday 13th November, Westcliff Free Church will be open from 10:00 – 12:00 and from 14:00 – 16:00 for PRIVATE prayer.  

You are very welcome to come in for however long you need.

Please enter via the front door (on London Road) and please note that you must use the provided hand sanitiser, wear a face covering whilst in the building (unless exempt) and, using the marked one-way route, leave via the side door (in Ronald Park Avenue); both doorways have slopes.

A list of “Thank You God for …” and “Please God …” prayer points will be provided for use in the church – please take it home afterwards.

For more information please ring 01702 472297.