Memory Worship at Leigh Wesley Methodist Church

Memory Worship at Leigh Wesley Methodist Church

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Date(s) - 16 Oct 2023
2:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Wesley Methodist Church


It is our vision in Memory Worship, that people with or without dementia can approach God, worship and praise God and feel God’s caring presence together. Worship can be a channel for recalling the past, creating feelings of comfort, familiarity and spiritual fulfilment. We all have a continuing need to worship and experience a loving encounter with God and the afternoon will take a regular pattern of welcome; singing well-known hymns, reading familiar passages of scripture and saying the Lord’s Prayer together. The formal part of the service will last 30 minutes, before leading into a craft activity and hospitality, which provide an opportunity for conversation to reinforce the theme of the service. Memory Worship is held monthly using a consistent and informed group of volunteers.

If you would like to know more about Memory Worship, a team from the Methodist Church in Britain visited one of our services and created a video that is available to watch below. It features interviews with our minister and volunteers, with information on the structure of the service and what you can expect at Memory Worship services.