Love Southend Network Evening with Anna Firth MP

Love Southend Network Evening with Anna Firth MP

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Date(s) - 11 Feb 2024
7:30 pm - 9:00 pm

St. Saviour's


We are grateful that one of our city’s MPs is going to make a return visit to Love Southend. Anna has taken on a significant level of responsibility for Southend, and in particular the areas covered by her newly redefined constituency. Our evening is not aimed at supporting her party political allegiance, nor to give opportunity for sharing government policies, but to support Anna the person in the demands, challenges and encouragements her work involves. We shall be asking Anna to give us an insight into those personal dynamics of her role, the most significant issues in the community she feels need to be addressed, and the place both faith and faith communities can play in serving the city well. There will be an opportunity for questions appropriate to the context of the evening which is neither a hustings event nor a platform for political debate. We will take the opportunity to pray for Anna, all those carrying responsibility for the governance of our city and some of the issues raised during the evening.

The evening is open to all – and you are most welcome to invite a friend.