Category Archives: News

Advent Encouragements from Love Southend to our Emergency Services

Advent Encouragements from Love Southend to our Emergency Services

It’s Advent and the time of year of giving when Love Southend seeks to encourage our emergency services with a letter of thanks and a token gift.

Over 40 packs of sweets/biscuits were distributed and gratefully received. We have also sent emails to some senior police officers and thought you might like to read some of the responses.

From a senior police officer:
“Thank you and wishing you, your family and all at Love Southend a happy and peaceful Christmas.“

“Thank you for your kind letter and words of support (along with the sweets!).
Many thanks, Kind regards Southend CPT”

“On behalf of Southend CID I just wanted to say a quick thank you for the attached letter, I have cc’d in our department so that everyone has a chance to see it. Thank you also for the treats, which the team made light work of!
The entire year seems to have been very busy, we have been working hard and will continue to do so; thank you also from all of us for the work you do to help others. Kind regards”

From a GP
“Thank you for all your prayers for us all!
Only saw this today (the letter) in the kitchen stuck on a cupboard… I’m so glad it’s been put there for everyone to see! Thank you so much for sending it and proclaiming the Lord’s name 🙏🏾🙏🏾 💕💕”

We pray from the words of Psalm 34:8 that all our emergency service workers will ‘Taste and see that the Lord is good; and take refuge in him this Advent’.

Jobs: Storehouse Cook

Jobs: Storehouse Cook

Southend Vineyard Church are seeking to appoint a Storehouse Cook to join our dynamic, caring team to work at our community café and food bank at ‘The Storehouse’, Queensway, Southend on Sea, Essex. The ‘Storehouse’ supports hundreds of vulnerable and needy people throughout the week. It is a caring, supportive environment, where people have access… Continue Reading

Jobs: Storehouse Admin Support

Jobs: Storehouse Admin Support

Southend Vineyard Church are seeking to appoint an Storehouse Admin Support to join our dynamic, caring team to work at our community café and food bank at ‘The Storehouse’, Queensway, Southend on Sea, Essex. The ‘Storehouse’ supports hundreds of vulnerable and needy people throughout the week. It is a caring, supportive environment, where people have… Continue Reading

Jobs: Storehouse Male Support Worker

Jobs: Storehouse Male Support Worker

Southend Vineyard Church are seeking to appoint a male Storehouse Support Worker to join our dynamic, caring team to work at our community café and food bank at ‘The Storehouse’, Queensway, Southend on Sea, Essex. The ‘Storehouse’ supports hundreds of vulnerable and needy people throughout the week. It is a caring, supportive environment, where people… Continue Reading

St Vincent’s Southend: Vinnie’s 3D Printing

St Vincent’s Southend: Vinnie’s 3D Printing

As you may be aware, these are challenging times for charities, and here at St Vincent’s Centre, Southend, we are working tirelessly to support those in our community who are in crisis. To continue our vital work, we’ve been exploring innovative ways to generate income. One such initiative is our 3D Printing Program. Through this… Continue Reading

Jobs: Southend Vineyard are looking to recruit a driver for the Storehouse Food Bank and Community Cafe

Jobs: Southend Vineyard are looking to recruit a driver for the Storehouse Food Bank and Community Cafe

Southend Vineyard (a vibrant church at the heart of Southend) is looking to recruit a driver for the Storehouse Food Bank and Community Café based on the Queensway Estate in Southend-on-Sea, Essex. Hours: 14 hours per week paid at the rate of the National Living Wage (£11.44 as at October 24) Initial term: 3 months… Continue Reading

Southend Street Pastors at ‘Southend ’24 Love Essex’ Southend High Street event

Southend Street Pastors at ‘Southend ’24 Love Essex’ Southend High Street event

The Southend Street Pastors had a stall at the “Southend ’24” event in the city centre on Saturday 14 September. At least ten Street Pastors, Prayer Pastors and Prayer Partners attended over the day and had many chats with interested visitors. These included Bishop Adam who accepted an invitation to our Commissioning Service! Our Prayer… Continue Reading

The Storehouse Harvest Appeal 2024

The Storehouse Harvest Appeal 2024

Southend Vineyard provide a community café and foodbank at The Storehouse on the Queensway Estate in Southend which is in the top 3.5% of deprived areas in England. If any churches haven’t decided where their Harvest gifts are going please consider The Storehouse. We would be very grateful for food donations. You can follow The… Continue Reading